Friday, 2 September 2016

AstroCrop for Linux

Earlier in the year I reported that Nicola Mackin and I had published an article in Popular Astronomy on AstroCrop, Windows software for the precise cropping of images.

AstroCrop for Windows

This was developed particularly for Bridge camera imaging using a static tripod for the rapid collection of solar or lunar images, that inevitably will have significant movement of the object of interest and that Registax will be unable to cope with the movement between images. The resulting registered, cropped images can then be used easily by Registax for stacking and wavelet processing.
Nicola is a very experienced programmer and has now ported AstroCrop over to Linux.

Splash Screen of AstroCrop for Linux

The cropping area defined

Stack of 98 Bridge camera images cropped in AstroCrop for Linux, Stacked and Wavelet processed in Registax 5.1 in the Windows compatibility layer Wine and Post Processed in The Gimp 2.9, which can work with 16 bit files.

The Linux version will be released as soon as testing is complete and an installer is constructed.